Chicken Wing, er, Cardinal Wing

March 31, 2010 at 8:22 pm | Posted in Rescued Animals | Leave a comment

Rescued an adult male cardinal on Monday… his left-wing and tail feathers had been ripped out due to a cat attack (he looked like a giant head!). His little chicken wing was so very sad.

(Even Olive was curious about the bird. See her ears?)

Amazingly, I learned that Ohio Wildlife Center is only a mile north from home! Had no idea… they said that it would take about two months for his feathers to grow back (Australian birds must grow feathers at lighting speed because I’m constantly clipping Lucky’s wings). I hadn’t really thought about it at the time but the cardinal let me pick him up and handle him. But he immediately bit one of the Ohio Wildlife Staffers (she shrieked as the little cardinal clamped down on her finger–it looked like she had a little red fuzz-ball attached to her knuckle!).

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